This Portuguese pudding, named after Abbot Priscos, is a gourmet treat composed of simple caramel, rich egg yolks, cinnamon, lemon, smoked bacon, and Porto wine.
Preparation Time
30 mins
Cooking Time
1 hr 15 mins
Total Time
1 hr 45 mins
427 Calories
Recipe Instructions
Step 1
Heat 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan over high heat without stirring. Reduce heat to low when sugar reaches an amber color, being careful to avoid burning. Carefully add 1 tablespoon water, stir, and remove from heat. Pour caramel into a lidded pudding pan, making sure to coat the entire inside of the pan.
Step 2
Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a saucepan over high heat. Add 2 cups sugar, bacon, cinnamon, and lemon peels. Clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pan. Slowly heat syrup to 217 degrees F (103 degrees C) or until a small amount of syrup dropped in cold water forms a thin thread.
Step 3
Preheat the oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C) while syrup is cooking.
Step 4
Pass egg yolks through a sieve into a bowl.
Step 5
Heat port wine in a small saucepan over medium heat until it reduces by half, 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Step 6
Pour the cooled port wine into the yolks, stirring as little as possible to avoid losing the color of the yolks.
Step 7
Remove syrup from heat when it reaches 217 degrees F (103 degrees C). Pour into a bowl through a sieve to remove other ingredients. Allow syrup to cool slightly.
Step 8
Pour yolk mixture into the bowl with the syrup. Pass the mixture through the sieve into a bowl. Pour mixture into the caramel-lined pudding pan. Cover the pan tightly with 2 layers of aluminum foil and the lid. Set the pan into a baking pan filled with an inch of water.
Step 9
Bake pudding in the preheated oven until set, about 1 hour. Add water to the baking pan if necessary. Remove from the oven and place pan on a wire rack. Let pudding cool until center is lukewarm, at least 1 hour. Carefully unmold onto a serving plate. Refrigerate until ready to serve.